When we feel hungry and take food,
1. we take too much of food. -Over eating - when the daily intake of food exceeds the requirements, the body converts the excess calories into Fat. the excess of fat is associated with fatigue, heart disease, cancer and other life-threatening diseases.
2. The normal food we take does not contain the required building blocks or catalysts,(lacking nutrition) hence imbalance in the quality of food.
You need good quality of vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates to lead a hassle free good health. In the present scenario, when everybody is busy doing what they are doing for their living, not many care about the quality intake. We just take some food and rush to our work. Whether it is a student or a job holder or a business man its the same. Hence, we are missing required ingredients in our food.
Apart from the above, we are in dire need of food supplements because,
The life style changes - The Life style of people has changed over a period of time. Please are spending more time sitting at the desk, in a car, infront of TV, in front of computer, eating out at restaurants, eating more of fast foods and junk foods, staying up late and not having enough sleep at night, having untimely sleeps and many more things like this.
Lack of proper Exercise - Not everybody prioritise their time to have enough physical and mental exercises.
Raise in pollution levels - Air pollution levels have raised over last 10 years. This results in unhealthy breathing air. Its not an exaggeration to say that its time when we need to buy some fresh air to breath for good health.
Increase in Chronic diseases - The raise in the chronic diseases is because of the life styles and stress in the day to day life
In Short, You need food Suppliments if...
- You Don't have pollution free environment
- You don't have time to exercise regularly
- You have untimely or less sleep
- You have regular eat outs or skips meals
- You are stressed out at work
- You are not getting a good quality of food
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